If you encounter a technical problem that you are not able on your own, then please contact Luc Girardin.
30.03.2004: Basic Setup
06.04.2004: Toolkits Setup
- Setting up RePast, and optionaly Ascape and NetLogo
- Setting up the Schelling’s segregation model
20.04.2004: First Program
- Setting the environment for the Homework A
04.05.2004: SimpleIPD
- Setting up the Simple Iterated Prisoners' Dilemma Model
11.05.2004: SimpleIPD
- Setting up the Evolutionary Iterated Prisoners' Dilemma Model
18.05.2004: GraphIPD
- Setting up the Graphical Iterated Prisoners' Dilemma Model
- Setting up the Sequential Iterated Prisoners' Dilemma Model
25.05.2004: GridIPD
- Setting up the Grid Iterated Prisoners' Dilemma Model
01.06.2004: ExperIPD
- Setting up the Experimental Iterated Prisoners' Dilemma Model
08.06.2004: GeneIPD
- Setting up the Genetic Iterated Prisoners' Dilemma Model
15.06.2004: Emergent-structure models
- Setting up the Schelling’s segregation model
- Setting up the Axelrod's culture model
22.06.2004: Emergent network models
- Setting up the Preferential Attachment Model
29.06.2004: Emergent actor models
- Setting up the Geosim model