Paola Galano Toro

ETH Zurich
Paola Galano Toro
International Conflict Research
IFW D 45.2
Haldeneggsteig 4
8092 Zurich


Please visit my personal website for more information.

Paola has been working as a PhD student at the ICR since October 2019. She is originally from Chile but completed her Bachelors degree at the University of Lucerne, in Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE). She also holds a Masters degree in Comparative and International Studies from the ETH Zurich. In her dissertation, she looks at the link between nationalism and state formation in Latin America. In particular, she examines how the exclusion of certain ethnic groups from the political community led to inequalities in taxation, provision and other state activities. She is generally interested in topics like ethnic favoritism, public goods provision, inequality and mobilization.


Galano Toro, Paola. 2024. “Whose State? Whose Nation? Explaining Uneven State Capacity in Hispanic America.” ETH Zurich.
Cederman, Lars-Erik, Paola Galano Toro, Luc Girardin, and Guy Schvitz. 2023. “War Did Make States: Revisiting the Bellicist Paradigm in Early Modern Europe.” International Organization 77(2): 324–62.