
Travel details

Hotel du Theatre

Seilergraben 69
CH - 8001 Zürich
phone: +41 (0)44 267 267 0

How to get there


The hotel is in walking distance from Zurich main station. Leave the station through the main entrance at the end of the large hall and cross the Limmat river until you arrive at a huge tram and car intersection, 'Central'. Pass a Starbucks cafe on your right and turn right into Seilergraben, and the hotel will be on your right hand side close to a bus stop.

Hotel Uto Kulm

Hotel Uto Kulm
CH-8243 Uetliberg
phone +41 44 457 6666

How to get there

From Zurich main station take the S10 train, leaving from platform 2 at 06 and 36 minutes past every hour (from 6:26am until 8:26am trains run at 26 and 56 minutes past the hour). Travel time 20 mins. Get off at Uetliberg station (final stop). From there it is a short walk to the hotel.

Online train schedules

Zurich main station - Uetliberg | Uetliberg - Zurich main station

Zurich Airport - Uetliberg | Uetliberg - Zurich Airport