GeoContest - Simulating Strategies of Conquest
GeoContest is a simplified version of the Geosim model by Lars-Erik Cederman. It allows for a variety of conquest strategies to be plugged into the model in order to examine their impact in a multipolar setting.

January 2008: GeoContest paper published in the Social Science Computer Review. The experiments can be replicated with the current version of our GROWLab framework.
November 2007: An updated version of GeoContest is available with our GROWLab framework and can be downloaded from here.
September 2005: GeoContest has been presented at the ESSA 2005 conference. >>
May 25, 2005: Version 2 of GeoContest is out. Strategies written for Version 1 are not compatible with this version (sorry!), but can easily be adapted. See the introductory presentation.
April 28, 2005: GeoContest has been presented (and actively developed) at the EESTEC 05 Last Agent Standing Workshop in Zurich. See the EESTEC LC Zurich website.

Presentation (in PDF) on GeoContest Version 2 >>.
(I recommend you first read the presentation on Version 1)
Presentation (in PDF) on GeoContest Version 1 >>.