ACD2EPR Docking Version 1.2

ACD2EPR Docking Version 1.2

Up to date version of this dataset can be found at


Lars-Erik Cederman (ETHZ)
Nils-Christian Bormann (ETHZ)
Luc Girardin (ETHZ)
Kristian S. Gleditsch (University of Essex)
Nils Metternich (Duke University)
Julian Wucherpfennig (ETHZ)

List of coders


The ACD2EPR Docking Version 1.2 dataset links ACD v.4-2010 conflicts to EPR v.2.0 groups. For a more detailed description of the dataset, please see Wucherpfennig et al. (2012) below.


The latest version of the ACD2EPR Docking data (Version 1.2) has been used as a source for the GROWup data project, which offers research-ready country-year and group-year data viea the Research Front-End data portal.

You may also dowload the latest version of the ACD2EPR Docking dataset directly: ACD2EPR_Docking_v.1.2.csv

Please note that all *.csv files are UTF-8 encoded.


When using this dataset in your research, please include the following reference:

Wucherpfennig, J., N. Metternich, L.-E. Cederman, and K. S. Gleditsch (2012). Ethnicity, the state and the duration of civil war. World Politics 64 (1), pp. 79-115.