Lars-Erik Cederman is professor of international conflict research at ETH Zürich. He is the author of
Emergent Actors in World Politics: How States and Nations Develop and Dissolve (Princeton University Press, 1997),
and co-author of Inequality, Grievances and Civil War (with Kristian Gleditsch and Halvard Buhaug; Cambridge University Press, 2013),
and Sharing Power, Securing Peace? Ethnic Inclusion and Civil War (with Simon Hug and Julian Wucherpfennig; Cambridge University Press 2022).
He has published many articles in scholarly journals, such as the American Political Science Review, American Journal of Political Science,
International Organization, World Politics, American Journal of Sociology, and Science. His main research interests include nationalism, state formation and conflict processes.
Cederman, Lars-Erik, Luc Girardin, Carl Müller-Crepon, and Yannick Pengl. 2025.
Nationalism and the Transformation of the State: Border Change and Political Violence in the Modern World. Cambridge University Press.
Cederman, Lars-Erik, Yannick Pengl, Dennis Atzenhofer, and Luc Girardin. 2025. “
Nationality Questions and War: How Ethnic Configurations Affect Conflict Within and Between States.”
Journal of Conflict Resolution.
Pengl, Yannick, Carl Müller-Crepon, Roberto Valli, Lars-Erik Cederman, and Luc Girardin. 2025. “
The Train Wrecks of Modernization: Railway Construction and Nationalist Mobilization in Europe.”
American Political Science Review,.
Cederman, Lars-Erik. 2024. “
Nationalism and the Transformation of the State.”
Nations and Nationalism 30(3): 380–96.
Cederman, Lars-Erik, Yannick Pengl, Luc Girardin, and Carl Müller-Crepon. 2024. “
The Future Is History: Restorative Nationalism and Conflict in Post-Napoleonic Europe.”
International Organization: 1–34.
Müller-Crepon, Carl, Guy Schvitz, and Lars-Erik Cederman. 2024b. “
Shaping States into Nations: The Effects of Ethnic Geography on State Borders.”
American Journal of Political Science.
Cederman, Lars-Erik, Paola Galano Toro, Luc Girardin, and Guy Schvitz. 2023. “
War Did Make States: Revisiting the Bellicist Paradigm in Early Modern Europe.”
International Organization 77(2): 324–62.
Cederman, Lars-Erik, Luc Girardin, and Carl Müller-Crepon. 2023. “
Nationalism and the Puzzle of Reversing State Size.”
World Politics 75(4): 692–734.
Cederman, Lars-Erik, Simon Hug, and Julian Wucherpfennig. 2022.
Sharing Power, Securing Peace? Cambridge University Press.
Cederman, Lars-Erik, Seraina Rüegger, and Guy Schvitz. 2022. “
Redemption through Rebellion: Border Change, Lost Unity, and Nationalist Conflict.”
American Journal of Political Science 66(1): 24–42.
Pengl, Yannick, and Lars-Erik Cederman. 2022. “
No Extraction Without Representation: The Ethno-Regional Oil Curse and Secessionist Conflict.” In
Natural Resources, Inequality and Conflict, eds. Hamid E. Ali and Lars-Erik Cederman. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 37–69.
Schvitz, Guy, Seraina Rüegger, Luc Girardin, Lars-Erik Cederman, Nils Weidmann, and Kristian Skrede Gleditsch. 2022. “
Mapping The International System, 1886-2017: The CShapes 2.0 Dataset.”
Journal of Conflict Resolution 66(1): 144–61.
Wucherpfennig, Julian, and Lars-Erik Cederman. 2022. “
Pre-Colonial and Colonial Origins of Inclusive Peace.”
Journal of Politics.
Bormann, Nils-Christian, Yannick Pengl, Lars-Erik Cederman, and Nils Weidmann. 2021. “
Globalization, Institutions, and Ethnic Inequality.”
International Organization 75(3): 665–97.
Müller-Crepon, Carl, Philipp Hunziker, and Lars-Erik Cederman. 2021. “
Roads to Rule, Roads to Rebel: Relational State Capacity and Conflict in Africa.”
Journal of Conflict Resolution 65(2–3): 563–90.
Vogt, Manuel, Kristian Skrede Gleditsch, and Lars-Erik Cederman. 2021. “
From Claims to Violence: Signaling, Outbidding, and Escalation in Ethnic Conflict.”
Journal of Conflict Resolution 65(7–8): 1278–1307.
Müller-Crepon, Guy Schvitz, and Lars-Erik Cederman. 2020. “
Ethnic Nationalism and the Shaping of European States.”
Working Paper.
Bormann, Nils-Christian, Lars-Erik Cederman, Scott Gates, Benjamin A. T. Graham, Simon Hug, Kaare W. Strøm, and Julian Wucherpfennig. 2019. “
Power Sharing: Institutions, Behavior, and Peace.”
American Journal of Political Science 63(1): 84–100.
Cederman, Lars-Erik. 2019. “
Blood for Soil: The Fatal Temptations of Ethnic Politics.”
Foreign Affairs 98: 61–68.
Pengl, Yannick, and Lars-Erik Cederman. 2019. “
Global Conflict Trends and Their Consequences.”
Bormann, Nils-Christian, Lars-Erik Cederman, and Manuel Vogt. 2017. “
Language, Religion, and Ethnic Civil War.”
Journal of Conflict Resolution 61(4): 744–71.
Cederman, Lars-Erik, Kristian Skrede Gleditsch, and Julian Wucherpfennig. 2017a. “
Predicting the Decline of Ethnic Civil War: Was Gurr Right and For the Right Reasons?”
Journal of Peace Research 54(2): 262–74.
Cederman, Lars-Erik, Kristian Skrede Gleditsch, and Julian Wucherpfennig. 2017b. “
The Diffusion of Inclusion: An Open Polity Model of Ethnic Power Sharing.”
Comparative Political Studies. Online First.
Cederman, Lars-Erik, and Manuel Vogt. 2017. “
Dynamics and Logics of Civil War.”
Journal of Conflict Resolution. 61(9): 1992–2016.
Cederman, Lars-Erik, and Nils B. Weidmann. 2017. “
Predicting Armed Conflict: Time to Adjust Our Expectations?”
Science 355(6324): 474–76.
Cederman, Lars-Erik, and Julian Wucherpfennig. 2017. “
Inequalities Between Ethnic Groups, Conflict, and Political Organizations.”
Ethnopolitics 16(1): 21–27.
Hunziker, Philipp, and Lars-Erik Cederman. 2017. “
No Extraction without Representation: The Ethno-Regional Oil Curse and Secessionist Conflict.”
Journal of Peace Research 54(3): 365–81.
Buhaug, Halvard, Lars-Erik Cederman, and Kristian Skrede Gleditsch. 2016. “
Ulikhet, Eksklusjon Og Borgerkrig [Inequality, Exclusion, and Civil War].”
Politica 48(1): 12–29.
Vogt, Manuel, Nils-Christian Bormann, and Lars-Erik Cederman. 2016. “
Democracy, Ethnic Exclusion, and Civil Conflict: The Arab Spring Revolutions from a Global Comparative Perspective.” In
Peace and Conflict 2016, eds. David Backer, Ravinder Bhavnani, and Paul Huth. London, UK: Routledge.
Wucherpfennig, Julian, Philipp Hunziker, and Lars-Erik Cederman. 2016. “
Who Inherits the State? Colonial Rule and Postcolonial Conflict.”
American Journal of Political Science. 60(4): 882–98.
Cederman, Lars-Erik, Simon Hug, Andreas Schädel, and Julian Wucherpfennig. 2015. “
Territorial Autonomy in the Shadow of Conflict: Too Little, Too Late?”
American Political Science Review 109(2): 354–70.
Cederman, Lars-Erik, Nils B. Weidmann, and Nils-Christian Bormann. 2015. “
Triangulating Horizontal Inequality: Toward Improved Conflict Analysis.”
Journal of Peace Research 52(6): 806–21.
Vogt, Manuel, Nils-Christian Bormann, Seraina Rüegger, Lars-Erik Cederman, Philipp Hunziker, and Luc Girardin. 2015. “
Integrating Data on Ethnicity, Geography, and Conflict: The Ethnic Power Relations Data Set Family.”
Journal of Conflict Resolution 59(7): 1327–42.
Buhaug, Halvard, Lars-Erik Cederman, and Kristian Skrede Gleditsch. 2014. “
Square Pegs in Round Holes: Inequalities, Grievances, and Civil War.”
International Studies Quarterly 58(2): 418–31.
Cederman, Lars-Erik, Luc Girardin, and Julian Wucherpfennig. 2014. “
Exploring Inequality and Ethnic Conflict: EPR-ETH and GROWup.” In
Peace and Conflict 2014, eds. David A. Backer, Jonathan Wilkenfeld, and Paul K. Huth. Boulder, CO: Paradigm Publishers.
Cederman, Lars-Erik, Kristian Skrede Gleditsch, and Halvard Buhaug. 2013.
Inequality, Grievances, and Civil War. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
Cederman, Lars-Erik, Kristian Skrede Gleditsch, and Simon Hug. 2013. “
Elections and Ethnic Civil War.”
Comparative Political Studies 46(3): 387–417.
Cederman, Lars-Erik, Kristian Skrede Gleditsch, Idean Salehyan, and Julian Wucherpfennig. 2013. “
Transborder Ethnic Kin and Civil War.”
International Organization 67(2): 389.
Cederman, Lars-Erik. 2012. “
Nationalism and Ethnicity.” In
Handbook of International Relations, eds. Walter Carlsnaes, Thomas Risse, and Beth Simmons. London: Sage.
Deiwiks, Christa, Lars-Erik Cederman, and Kristian Skrede Gleditsch. 2012. “
Inequality and Conflict in Federations.”
Journal of Peace Research 49(2): 289–304.
Wucherpfennig, Julian, Nils W. Metternich, Lars-Erik Cederman, and Kristian Skrede Gleditsch. 2012. “
Ethnicity, the State, and the Duration of Civil War.”
World Politics 64(1): 79–115.
Cederman, Lars-Erik, T. Camber Warren, and Didier Sornette. 2011. “
Testing Clausewitz: Nationalism, Mass Mobilization, and the Severity of War.”
International Organization 65(4): 605–38.
Cederman, Lars-Erik, Nils B. Weidmann, and Kristian Skrede Gleditsch. 2011. “
Horizontal Inequalities and Ethnonationalist Civil War: A Global Comparison.”
American Political Science Review 105(3): 478–95.
Wucherpfennig, Julian, Nils B. Weidmann, Luc Girardin, Lars-Erik Cederman, and Andreas Wimmer. 2011. “
Politically Relevant Ethnic Groups across Space and Time: Introducing the GeoEPR Dataset.”
Conflict Management and Peace Science 28(5): 423–37.
Cederman, Lars-Erik, and Luc Girardin. 2010. “
Growing Sovereignty: Modeling the Shift from Indirect to Direct Rule.”
International Studies Quarterly 54(1): 27–48.
Cederman, Lars-Erik, Simon Hug, and Lutz F. Krebs. 2010. “
Democratization and Civil War: Empirical Evidence.”
Journal of Peace Research 47(4): 377–94.
Cederman, Lars-Erik, Andreas Wimmer, and Brian Min. 2010. “
Why Do Ethnic Groups Rebel? New Data and Analysis.”
World Politics 62(1): 87–119.
Weidmann, Nils B., Jan Ketil Rød, and Lars-Erik Cederman. 2010. “
Representing Ethnic Groups in Space: A New Dataset.”
Journal of Peace Research 47(4): 491–99.
Cederman, Lars-Erik, Halvard Buhaug, and Jan Ketil Rød. 2009. “
Ethno-Nationalist Dyads and Civil War: A GIS-Based Analysis.”
Journal of Conflict Resolution 53(4): 496–525.
Cederman, Lars-Erik, Luc Girardin, and Kristian Skrede Gleditsch. 2009. “
Ethnonationalist Triads: Assessing the Influence of Kin Groups on Civil Wars.”
World Politics 61(3): 403–37.
Cederman, Lars-Erik, and Kristian Skrede Gleditsch. 2009. “Introduction to Special Issue on ‘Disaggregating Civil War.’” Journal of Conflict Resolution 53(4): 487–95.
Wimmer, Andreas, Lars-Erik Cederman, and Brian Min. 2009. “
Ethnic Politics and Armed Conflict: A Configurational Analysis.”
American Sociological Review 74(2): 316–37.
Buhaug, Halvard, Lars-Erik Cederman, and Jan K. Rød. 2008. “
Disaggregating Ethno-Nationalist Civil Wars: A Dyadic Test of Exclusion Theory.”
International Organization 62(3): 531–51.
Cederman, Lars-Erik. 2008. “
Articulating the Geo-Cultural Logic of Nationalist Insurgency.” In
Order, Conflict, and Violence, eds. Stathis N. Kalyvas, Ian Shapiro, and Tarek Masoud. New York: Cambridge University Press, 242–70.
Cederman, Lars-Erik, Simon Hug, and Andreas Wenger. 2008. “
Democratization and War in Political Science.”
Democratization 15(3): 509–24.
Weidmann, Nils B., and Lars-Erik Cederman. 2008. “
GeoContest: Modeling Strategic Competition in Geopolitical Systems.”
Social Science Computer Review 26(4): 510–18.
Cederman, Lars-Erik. 2007. “
A Comment on Eder and Trenz.” In
Debating the Democratic Legitimacy of the European Union, eds. Beate Kohler-Koch and Berthold Rittberger. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
Cederman, Lars-Erik, and Luc Girardin. 2007a. “
Beyond Fractionalization: Mapping Ethnicity onto Nationalist Insurgencies.”
American Political Science Review 101(1): 173–85.
Cederman, Lars-Erik, and Luc Girardin. 2007b. “
Toward Realistic Computational Models of Civil Wars.” In Paper prepared for presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Political.
Girardin, Luc, and Lars-Erik Cederman. 2007. “
A Roadmap to Realistic Computational Models of Civil Wars.” In
Advancing Social Simulation: The First World Congress, eds. Shingo Takahashi, David Sallach, and Juliette Rouchier. Tokyo: Springer, 59–69.
Cederman, Lars-Erik. 2005. “
Computational Models of Social Forms: Advancing Generative Process Theory.”
American Journal of Sociology 110(4): 864–93.
Cederman, Lars-Erik, and Peter A. Kraus. 2005. “
Transnational Communication and the European Demos.” In
Digital Formations : IT and New Architectures in the Global Realm, eds. Robert Latham and Saskia Sassen. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Cederman, Lars-Erik, and Kristian Skrede Gleditsch. 2004. “
Conquest and Regime Change: An Evolutionary Model of the Spread of Democracy and Peace.”
International Studies Quarterly 48(3): 603–29.
Cederman, Lars-Erik. 2003a. “
Generating State-Size Distributions: A Geopolitical Model.” Paper prepared for presentation at the Agent 2003 conference on “Challenges in Social Simulation,” University of Chicago, October 2-4, 2003, and at the University of California, San Diego, January 12, 2004.
Cederman, Lars-Erik. 2003b. “
Modeling the Size of Wars: From Billiard Balls to Sandpiles.”
American Political Science Review 97(1): 135–50.
Cederman, Lars-Erik, and Christopher Daase. 2003. “
Endogenizing Corporate Identities: The Next Step in Constructivist IR Theory.”
European Journal of International Relations 9(1): 5–35.
Cederman, Lars-Erik. 2002a. “
Endogenizing Geopolitical Boundaries with Agent-Based Modeling.”
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 99(suppl 3): 7296–7303.
Cederman, Lars-Erik. 2002b. “
Levels of Complexity: Endogenizing Agent-Based Modeling.” In
Social Agents: Ecology, Exchange, and Evolution, eds. Charles Macal and David Sallach. Lemont, IL: Argonne National Laboratory, 175–84.
Cederman, Lars-Erik. 2001a. “
Agent-Based Modeling in Political Science.”
The Political Methodologist 10(1): 16–22.
Cederman, Lars-Erik. 2001c.
Constructing Europe’s Identity: The External Dimension. Boulder, Co: Lynne Rienner.
Cederman, Lars-Erik. 2001d. “
Exclusion Versus Dilution: Real of Imagined Trade-Off?” In
Constructing Europe’s Identity: The External Dimension, ed. Lars-Erik Cederman. Boulder, Co: Lynne Rienner, 233–56.
Cederman, Lars-Erik. 2001e. “
Modeling the Co-Evolution of States and Nations.” In
Proceedings of the Workshop on Simulation of Social Agents: Architectures and Institutions, eds. David Sallach and Thomas Wolsko. Lemont, IL: Argonne National Laboratory, 175–84.
Cederman, Lars-Erik. 2001f. “
Modeling the Democratic Peace as a Kantian Selection Process.”
Journal of Conflict Resolution 45(4): 470–502.
Cederman, Lars-Erik. 2001g. “
Nationalism and Bounded Integration: What It Would Take to Construct a European Demos.”
European Journal of International Relations 7(2): 139–74.
Cederman, Lars-Erik. 2001h. “
Political Boundaries and Identity Trade-Offs.” In
Constructing Europe’s Identity: The External Dimension, ed. Lars-Erik Cederman. Boulder, Co: Lynne Rienner, 1–34.
Cederman, Lars-Erik. 2001i. “
Unpacking the National Interest: An Analysis of Preference Aggregation in Ordinal Games.” In
Game Theory and International Relations: Preferences, Information, and Empirical Evidence, eds. Pierre Allan and Christian Schmidt. Aldershot: Edward Elgar.
Cederman, Lars-Erik, and Mohan Penubarti Rao. 2001. “
Exploring the Dynamics of the Democratic Peace.”
Journal of Conflict Resolution: 818–33.
Cederman, Lars-Erik. 2000. “
Andrew Moravcsik: The Choice for Europe.”
Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 572(1): 171–72.
Cederman, Lars-Erik. 1996a. “Nthony D. Smith: Nations and Nationalism in a Global Era.” British Journal of Sociology 47(4): 736–37.
Cederman, Lars-Erik. 1996b. “
Rerunning History: Counterfactual Simulation in World Politics.” In
Counterfactual Thought Experiments in World Politics: Logical, Methodological, and Psychological Perspectives, eds. Philip E. Tetlock and Aaron Belkin. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 247–67.
Cederman, Lars-Erik. 1995a. “
Competing Identities: An Ecological Model of Nationality Formation.”
European Journal of International Relations 1(3): 331–65.
Cederman, Lars-Erik. 1995b. “
Expansion or Unity? Placing the European Union in a Historical Perspective.” In
Towards A New Europe: Stops and Starts in Regional Integration, eds. Gerald Schneider, Patricia Weitsman, and Thomas Bernauer. Westport, CT: Praeger/Greenwood, 29–54.
Cederman, Lars-Erik. 1994. “
Emergent Polarity: Analyzing State-Formation and Power Politics.”
International Studies Quarterly 38(4): 501–33.