Prof. Dr. Lars-Erik Cederman
Project Leader
Dr. Andreas Juon
PhD students
Office Manager
Affiliated and Former Members
Prof. Dr. Nils-Christian Bormann (Witten/Herdecke University)
Dr. Christa Deiwiks
Dr. Paola Galano Toro (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)
Dr. Micha Germann (KU Leuven)
Dr. Mirjam Hirzel (Usthi Foundation)
Dr. Philipp Hunziker (Google)
Dr. Nora Keller (University of St. Gallen)
Dr. Lutz Krebs (United Nations University - Maastricht University)
Dr. Theresa Leimpek
Dr. Carl Müller-Crepon (University of Oxford)
Dr. Yannick Pengl (UBS AG)
Dr. Seraina Rüegger (University of Zurich)
Dr. Sebastian Schutte (Peace Research Institute)
Prof. Dr. Livia Schubiger (Duke University)
Dr. Andreas Schädel (Berghof Foundation)
Dr. Guy Schvitz ( European Commission, Joint Research Centre)
Dr. Kunaal Sharma
Dr. Doreen Spörer-Wagner (University of Zurich)
Dr. Roberto Valli (Princeton University)
Dr. Francisco Villamil (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)
Dr. Manuel Vogt (University College London)
Dr. Judith Vorrath (German Institute for International and Security Affairs)
Prof. Dr. Nils B. Weidmann (University of Konstanz)
Dr. Yaron Weissberg (University of Konstanz)
Prof. Dr. Julian Wucherpfennig (Hertie School of Governance)